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business circle_business circles

佚名 2024-05-22 人已围观


business circle_business circles

       我非常愿意为大家解答关于business circle的问题。这个问题集合包含了一些复杂而有趣的问题,我将尽力给出简明扼要的答案,并提供进一步的阅读材料供大家深入研究。


2.E-commerce Business Circle的基本介绍

3.请帮我把这篇陈述翻译成英文~~ 非常感谢! 翻译的好还会追加!


business circle_business circles


       The so-called exhibitions, the business sector, the main indicator of the parties concerned is to introduce the unit's performance display the results of the unit, the marketing unit of product, technology or patents, and to concentrate on physical display, model, text, graphics, Image information for visitors to understand the form, the promotional gatherings. Sometimes, it is also referred to as an exhibition, or call display, exhibition. The exhibition, business contacts are often play a significant role. It is not only convincing even stronger, and more appealing, says she can move the audience to the organizers to make friends, they can also help spread the individual, group communication, the mass dissemination of various forms, so that the organizers of the wide dissemination of information, enhance its reputation and reputation. It is for this reason, almost all business units are prepared for the exhibition take this seriously, actively participate in the event. Exhibition etiquette usually refers to the business units in the organization, participation in exhibitions, which should follow the norms and practices. Under normal circumstances, the exhibition mainly involves the classification of the exhibition, fairs and exhibitions organized in the three aspects of the issue were on as follows :

       First, the exhibition category. Strictly speaking, the exhibition is a very wide coverage of the basic concepts. Fine words, it is actually divided into many different types of concrete. To make a good first exhibition, naturally must first of all determine its specific type, then the corresponding position. Otherwise, it is very likely there will be a lot of loopholes.

       Secondly, the exhibition organization. General exhibitions, not only from exhibitors themselves, but also from the community come forward to raise the specialized agencies. Regardless of who is to serve as the organizers have to be specific seriously and are working hard to make the exhibition achieved perfect results.

       Finally, the exhibition participants. Exhibitors participate in the formal exhibitions, we have to ask their staff to send all work together with one heart and one mind, To strive for victory. The overall image, it's polite to dwell on two major techniques, the exhibitors have to be particularly special attention

E-commerce Business Circle的基本介绍




       Under the market economy, we must firmly resist the bad influence of cultural garbage.

       1.遭受水灾的地区人民急切需要食品.衣服和药品( be hungry for )

       1.People in flood hit area are hungry for food, clothes and medicines.

       2.政府说有足够的外汇储备抵制金融风暴 ( enough to )

       The government claims that its foreign exchange reserve is enough to resist the financial crisis.

       3.虽然他很会做生意,但我们认为他不会成为商界的领袖 (see...as)

        Although he's good at making business deals, we don't see him as a leader in the business circle

       4.这次划时代的峰会由卫星向全世界转播 (beam)

       the epoch-marking summit conference was beamed by satellite all over the world.

       5.一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容 (be tolerant of)

       generally speaking, teachers are relatively tolerant of students' mistakes.



        I took it for granted that you would come with us, so I bought you the ticket.


       The war has deprived them of the happiness in a normal childhood


       (by and large)

        Although the job has something unsatisfactory, by and large, I enjoy it.

请帮我把这篇陈述翻译成英文~~ 非常感谢! 翻译的好还会追加!

       E-commerce Business Circle是EBC的英文全称,中文全称电子商务商业圈,是指通过电子商务O2O运营模式的优势结合商业圈的概念形象而延生出的运营模式。通过构建电子商务商业圈落实互联网信息资源整合,商业资源整合,以及创业者资源整合。是实现商务向电子商务全面发展的一条全新的捷径。



       Not only was I very fond of my specialized area of study, I also greatly enhanced my ability in English and my knowledge in commerce and management. Studying and doing research in the commerce field for nearly two years has firmed up my determination and enthusiasm to pursue a higher education abroad and to further my knowledge in this specialty. To me, studying abroad would help me develop an understanding on how commerce knowledge and professional skills are applied in the real world. Here I would like to briefly cover my study plan as well as the direction of my career development.


       First, I will spare no effort to better my academic performance while studying abroad. This is crucial to my goal of applying for a graduate school to continue my education and possibly to earn a Master's degree. During this stage, I will learn all the theories at school and apply them in society to gain practical experience. It is essential to the success of my future career.


       In addition, I will take an active role in various extracurricular activities on campus in order to better familiarize myself with the culture and tradition of a country. This will enhance my social experience and be very helpful to my future developments. In the meantime, while coming in contact with people from different countries with different ethnic background, I will definitely be able to make lots of friends with my passionate and friendly personality.

       最后,我想说明,我很希望来到英国伦敦,做进一步的研究和学习,自从我开始学习商学,被英国的金融体系和业务优势深深的打动了。我想,在这里,可以掌握学术机构提供专业知识以及全球商业到的吸收反映在动态的商业社区。在英国,***大学作为一个教育机构,为高端教育质量和重点在于讲解各国商务,贸易环境,贸易结构以及跨国合作。 这是我唯一的选择。

       Finally, I would like to say that I look forward to an opportunity to go to London to further my study and research. I am totally impressed with UK's financial system and marketing edge ever since I started to study commerce. I believe once I get there I can grasp both the special knowledge from the academic institute and how global businesses is reflected in a dynamic business community. In UK, *** University focused its high quality education on international trade, business climate, trading structure & multinational collaborations. It is my only choice.


       All in all, I truly hope that I could land in the heart of this most prosperous and internationalized business center to complete my education. And, to build a solid foundation for my future career.

       希望能对你申请学校能有帮助,别忘了采纳哦 。。。

       We live in this colorful world, experience excessively joyfully, also has excessively sadly, realized in the defeat the world good and bad in life, had found the self-confidence in the success which lets oneself continue to go forward.In the realistic society, the smile is the world most real language, defeat time for oneself a smile, lets oneself understand thoroughly oneself, saw at this time defeat own insufficiency, will avoid in the next time stepping onto a same tortuous path, like this as if each defeat all got up in the life the important role, now is defeated many, later will encounter the defeat which will arrive to be less.Finally we stepped onto one are the strip already experience the wind and frost to discipline, smooth unimpeded main road. Thai merchant Shi Lihua, is in the business circle has trillion property men of the hour.A 1997 financial crisis caused him to go bankrupt, facing the defeat, he only said one: “Good ha! Also might start over from the beginning!”Life, also should so, smile in each defeat, gives the self-confidence which oneself continues to go forward, defeat regarding as is the successful stepping-stone, the academic society hugs successfully, moves towards successfully.In the ordinary not wonderful life, we have come across the setback, when we look side person, perhaps we will feel in the heart gratified.Always does not lack some in our side twisting, they are the successful spokesman, but who behind knew how many setbacks they did live have encountered and the defeat? Therefore defeat however fearful, but has not accepted the defeat ability to be more fearful.A person has not accepted the defeat ability, only saw successful one side, has been able to reduce the self-confidence like this in each defeat, well had not known the defeat to own significance, considers as the defeat own enemy, insists on the personal opinion, finally lost has exercised own opportunity, has become a wrong path person.Sets up a goal to oneself, faces the goal to march forward courageously, in assiduous earnest takes into consideration side wind and rain busily, finally achieves the goal, but we finally can pay for this own come as soon as joyful slightly smiles.“This matter too has been difficult, definitely cannot achieve, that matter by mine ability also is, I or select slightly some do.” This idea finds at everywhere in the side, but we have not actually heard difficult Chinese characters in each successful public figure mouth.In media developed present age, when has a successful public figure facing the significant difficulty, the media always performs to hype, this matter has become the well known topic, however each upper dogs all only smile were replying these did not know how is going reporter who subverts theirs matter.They all place theirs matter finally, greets the world with the smile."War and peace" when author Tolstoi university too is bad because of the result is left school, teacher thinks the brains which he both has not studied, and lacks the study wish.Expresses "Theory of evolution" Darwin decided in the past when the giving up practices medicine, encounters father's reprimanding: “You put the proper matter not to do, by all means goes hunting all day, seizes the dog to seize the mouse.” Moreover, Darwin disclosed in the autobiography that,“In childhood, all teachers and the elders all thought my intelligence is mediocre, with intelligent is cannot touch on slightly.” The Einstein 4 year old of talent can speak, 7 year old of talent can be literate, teacher gives his evaluation is: “The slow reaction, does not get on well with others, full head impractical fantasy.” He once encountered the destiny which left school, when applied for the Su Lishi technology institute also is rejected.These great scientist who makes the contribution for the humanity, the intelligence does not have other human of high since childhood, the mediocre intelligence lets them be doomed in the life to have to encounter more defeats, they grow in the innumerable defeats, corrects the mistake in the innumerable defeats, finally all moved towards the success.Therefore, each defeat has all become huge wealth, we should treasure each defeat, with smiles treasures it, faces it earnestly, careful experiences it, like this, we finally can move towards successfully. Now, we might very proudly send out this calm smile to the life.


       我们在这个多姿多彩的世界里生活,经历过快乐,也有过悲伤,在失败中体会到了人世间的酸甜苦辣,在成功里找到让自己继续前进的自信心。现实的社会里,微笑是人间最真实的语言,失败的时候给自己一个微笑,让自己更深入的了解自己,在这次的失败看到自己的不足,在下次避免走上次同样的弯路,这样似乎每一次失败在生活中都起了重要的角色,现在失败得越多,以后所遭遇到的失败就越少。最后我们走上的一是条已经经历过风霜磨练,平坦无阻的大道。 泰国商人施利华,是商界上拥有亿万资产的风云人物。1997年的一次金融危机使他破产了,面对失败,他 只说了一句:“好哇!又可以从头再来了!”生活,也应该如此,在每一次失败中微笑,给予自己继续前进的自信心,把失败看作是成功的垫脚石,学会拥抱成功,走向成功。在平凡无奇的生活中,我们遇到了挫折,当我们望一望身边的人,也许我们就会感到心中的一点欣慰。在我们身边总不缺少一些绞绞者,他们是成功的代表者,但谁又知道他们生活背后又是遭到了多少挫折和失败呢?失败故然可怕,但是没有接受失败的能力就更加可怕了。一个人没有接受失败的能力,只看到了成功的一面,这样在每一次失败中就会降低自信心,没有好好认识失败对自己的意义,把失败看做自己的敌人,执意己见,最终失去了锻炼自己的机会,成了一个迷途的人。向自己树立一个目标,朝着目标勇往直前,在刻苦认真中无暇顾及身边的风雨,最终达到目的,我们最后会为这自己付出而得来的喜悦微微的一笑。“啊,这件事太难了,以我的能力肯定不能做到的,啊那件事也是,我还是挑一些小的来做吧。”这种想法在身边随处可见,但我们却没有在每一个成功的人士口中听到一个难字。在媒体发达的当代,当有一个成功人士面对重大困难时,媒体总是加以炒作,这件事就成了众所周知的话题,然而每一位成功者都只是微笑着回答这些不知道将要怎样将他们的事情颠覆的记者。他们都把他们自己的事放在最后,用微笑去迎接世界。《战争与和平》的作者托尔斯泰大学时因成绩太差而被退学,老师认为他既没读书的头脑,又缺乏学习意愿。发表《进化论》的达尔文当年决定放弃行医时,遭到父亲的斥责:“你放着正经事不干,整天只管打猎、捉狗捉耗子的。”另外,达尔文在自传上透露:“小时候,所有的老师和长辈都认为我资质平庸,和聪明是沾不上边的。”爱因斯坦4岁才会说话,7岁才会认字,老师给他的评语是:“反应迟钝,不合群,满脑袋不切实际的幻想。”他曾遭到退学的命运,在申请苏黎士技术学院时也被拒绝。这些为人类做出贡献的伟大的科学家,从小资质就没有其他人高,平庸的资质让他们在生活中注定要遭到更多的失败,以至于他们在无数失败中成长,在无数失败中纠正错误,最终都走向了成功。所以,每一次失败都成了一笔巨大的财富,我们应该珍惜每一次失败,用微笑去珍惜它,认真面对它,细心的体验它,这样,我们最终就会走向成功。 现在,我们可以很自豪向生活发出这从容的微笑了.

       好了,今天关于“business circle”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“business circle”有更全面的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。