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2.哈利波特 我需要在霍格沃茨经常出现的音乐








       发信人: terrell (心苦), 信区: PopMusic

       标 题: 哈利波特∶消失的密室 **原声带

       发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Nov 9 18:32:13 2002), 站内

       中文专辑名称∶哈利波特∶消失的密室 **原声带

       英文专辑名称∶Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets(2CD)





       曲目∶ Audio Video

       01. Prologue: Book II And The Escape from The Dursleys

       02. Fawkes The Phoenix

       03. The Chamber Of Secrets

       04. Gilderoy Lockhart

       05. The Flying Car

       06. Knockturn Alley

       07. Introducing Colin

       08. The Dueling Club

       09. Dobby The House Elf

       10. The Spiders

       11. Moaning Myrtle

       12. Meeting Aragog

       13. Fawkes Is Reborn

       14. Meeting Tom Riddle

       15. Cornish Pixies

       16. Polyjuice Potion

       17. Cakes For Crabbe And Goyle

       18. Dueling The Basilisk

       19. Reunion Of Friends

       20. Harry's Wondrous World




       *CD2具多媒体功能∶收录1)萤幕保护程式2)电脑桌布3)**预告片4)主题乐章 "Hedwig

       's Theme"的乐谱 5)网站连结








       斯(John Williams)以典雅的圆舞曲、柔美的摇篮曲跟「外星人」时期的童真冒险精神乐

       章为「哈利波特-神秘的魔法石」所创造的两段主题乐章"Hedwig's Theme"、"Harry's

       Wondrous World"成为「哈利波特∶消失的密室」的主体架构,瑰丽多彩、晶莹可爱、气




       任制作/编曲的音乐家威廉罗斯(William Ross)协助**音乐的改编与创作,温馨奇幻的

       "Fawkes The Phoenix"、优雅神秘的"The Chamber Of Secrets"、鬼灵精的"Gilderoy

       Lockhart"、天真活泼的"Dobby The House Elf"、温馨美丽的"Reunion Of Friends",

       以及"The Spiders"、"Cornish Pixies"、"Dueling TheBasilisk"等几段峰回路转、高




       什么是你说的“哈利波特的乐谱”呢 ?

       你说的可能是**《哈利波特3》即《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》中,开场不久,开学典礼上,英国童声唱诗班所唱的歌曲《DOUBLE TROUBLE》,改编自莎士比亚歌剧《麦克白》第4场第1幕,配乐是英国“配乐教父”约翰.威廉姆斯(参加了前3部哈利波特**配乐)。


       歌词比较好找,"试听"可以去百度音乐搜索,键入“DOUBLE TROUBLE”即可。歌谱不太好找。


       es .


       Eye of newt, and toe of frog .


       Wool of bat, and tongue of dog;


       Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting.


       Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing.


       Double, double toil and trouble,

       不惮辛劳不惮烦 ,

       Fire burn, and caldron bubble;

       釜中沸沫已成澜 ;

       Double, double toil and trouble,

       不惮辛劳不惮烦 ,

       Something wicked this way comes .


       In the caldron boil and bake,


       Fillet of a fenny snake;


       Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf,


       Witches' mummy; maw and gulf.


       (Double, double toil and trouble;

       不惮辛劳不惮烦 ,

       Fire burn, and caldron bubble.)


       Double, double toil and trouble,


       Fire burn, and caldron bubble;


       Double, double toil and trouble,


       Fire burn, and caldron bubble.


       Something wicked this way comes .

       必有恶人来 。






       英文名称:Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone












       02_Harry's Wondrous World

       03_The Arrival Of Baby Harry

       04_Visit To The Zoo And Letters From Hogwarts

       05_Diagon Alley And The Gringotts Vault

       06_Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters And The Journey To Hogwarts

       07_Entry Into The Great Hall And The Banquet

       08_Mr. Longbottom Flies

       09_Hogwarts Forever! And The Moving Stairs

       10_The Norwegian Ridgeback And A Change Of Season

       11_The Quidditch Match

       12_Christmas At Hogwarts

       13_The Invisibility Cloak And The Library Scene

       14_Fluffy's Harp

       15_In The Devil's Snare And The Flying Keys

       16_The Chess Game

       17_The Face Of Voldemort

       18_Leaving Hogwarts

       19_Hedwig's Theme



       英文名称:Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire










       1. Story Continues

       2. Frank Dies

       3. Quidditch World Cup

       4. Dark Mark

       5. Foreign Visitors Arrive

       6. Goblet of Fire

       7. Rita Skeeter

       8. Sirius Fire

       9. Harry Sees Dragons

       10. Golden Egg

       11. Neville's Waltz

       12. Harry in Winter

       13. Potter Waltz

       14. Underwater Secrets

       15. Black Lake

       16. Hogwarts' March

       17. Maze

       18. Voldemort

       19. Death of Cedric

       20. Another Year Ends

       21. Hogwarts Hymn

       22. Do The Hippogriff

       23. This Is The Night

       24. Magic Works



       英文名称:Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban








       全球观众热烈期待,新世纪的魔法童话传奇再现,这一回,除了丹尼尔雷德克里夫、艾玛华特森、鲁伯葛林特这几位可爱童星外,性格巨星盖瑞欧德曼、奥斯卡影后艾玛汤普森、坎城影帝大卫提利斯、奥斯卡影后茱莉克莉丝蒂也都加入演出的阵容,此外,邓不利多一角因原任演员李察哈里斯过世,改由4座英国影艺学院得主麦可甘波接任,首两集的导演克里斯多夫哥伦布也交出导演的棒子,退居幕后担任执行制片,邀请墨西哥名导Alfonso Cuaron掌镜……


       威廉斯与导演柯朗在《哈利波特3:阿兹卡班的囚徒》制片过程中做出两大音乐创作上的改变,首先是选择以儿童唱诗班的合声欢迎霍格华兹的学童返校,然后将‘哈利波特’主题乐章之"Hedwig's Theme"融入莎翁名剧‘马克白’的论述精神,来个主题乐章的变装游戏,而乐章中弥漫的中古世纪色彩就成为彩绘‘哈利波特’的奇幻魔法世界的基调,然后再将此一主题基调分别透过19世纪义大利歌舞/音乐剧创作家Gioacchino Rossini的音乐形式、欣喜若狂的big band爵士音调与20世纪的当代音乐。

       年过70的威廉斯忽然变成一个淘气的大孩子,大玩古典音乐与当代音乐的奇想游戏,无论是加重黑色成分的主题变装乐章"Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme)"、惊奇且华丽的"Aunt Marge's Waltz"、big band爵士乐风疯狂着魔的"The Knight Bus"、借重儿童合声表现紧张气氛的"Double Trouble"颇有凌驾‘外星人’中E.T.飞越月亮情节乐章神采的"Buckbeak's Flight"、笛声悠然神伤的田园小品乐章"A Window To The Past",大师可是卯起来玩得尽兴,而大师当然也没忘记秀秀精湛的鼓/管号乐/铃声追逐戏法(尤以第8轨、第16轨最为出色),更别提编曲形式的交叠、变化了。


       1. Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme)

       2. Aunt Marge's Waltz

       3. The Knight Bus

       4. Apparition on the Train

       5. Double Trouble

       6. Buckbeak's Flight

       7. A Window to the Past

       8. The Whomping Willow and The Snow Ball Fight

       9. Secrets of the Castle

       10. The Portrait Gallery

       11. Hagrid the Professor

       12. Monster Books and Boggarts!

       13. Quidditch, Third Year

       14. Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers

       15. The Patronus Light

       16. The Werewolf Scene

       17. Saving Buckbeak

       18. Forward to Time Past

       19. The Dementors Converge

       20. Finale

       21. Mischief Managed!







       02.Harry’s Wondrous World

       03.The Arrival of Baby Harry

       04.Visit to the Zoo and Letters from Hogwarts

       05.Diagon Alley and the Gringotts Vault

       06.Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters and The Journey to Hogwarts

       07.Entry into the Great Hall and The Banquet

       08.MR. Longbottom Flies

       09.Hogwarts Forever! And the Moving Stairs

       10.The Norwegian Ridgeback and A Change of Season

       11.The Quidditch Match

       12.Christmas at Hogwarts

       13.he Invisibility Cloak and The Library Scene

       14.Fluffy’s Harp

       15.In the Devil’s Snare and the Flying Keys

       16.The Chess Game

       17.The Face of Voldemort

       18.Leaving Hogwarts

       19.Hedwig’s Theme


       01.Electronic Arts Harry Potter Video Game Preview + Screen Saver

       02.Lego Video Game Preview

       03.English-Language Trailer

       04.French-Language Trailer

       05.German-Language Trailer


       07.Korea-Language Trailer (version 3)

       08.Thai Language Trailer (version 3)

       09.Harry Potter Poster Gallery

       10.Italian-Language Trailer

       魔药课是在一问地下教室里上课。这里要比上边城堡主楼阴冷。沿墙摆放着玻璃罐,里面浸泡的动物标本更令你瑟瑟发抖。 斯内普和弗立维一样,一上课就拿起名册,而且也像弗立维一样,点到哈利的名字时总停下来。 “哦,是的,”他小声说,“哈利波特,这是我们新来的—— 鼎鼎大名的人物啊。” 德拉科马尔福和他的朋友克拉布和高尔用手捂着嘴吃吃地笑起来。斯内普点完名,便抬眼看着全班同学,眼睛像海格的一样乌黑,却没有海格的那股暖意。他的眼睛冷漠、空洞,使你想到两条漆黑的隧道。 “你们到这里来为的是学习这门魔药配制的精密科学和严格工艺。”他开口说,说话的声音几乎比耳语略高一些,但人人都听清了他说的每一个字。像麦格教授一样,斯内普教授也有不费吹灰之力能让教室秩序井然的威慑力量。“由于这里没有傻乎乎地挥动魔杖,所以你们中间有许多人不会相信这是魔法。我并不指望你们能真正领会那文火慢煨的大锅冒着白烟、飘出阵阵清香的美妙所在,你们不会真正懂得流入人们血管的液体,令人心荡神驰、意志迷离的那种神妙魔力..我可以教会你们怎样提高声望,酿造荣耀,甚至阻止死亡—— 但必须有一条,那就是你们不是我经常遇到的那种笨蛋傻瓜才行。” 他讲完短短的开场白之后,全班哑然无声。哈利和罗恩扬了扬眉,交换了一下眼色。赫敏格兰杰几乎挪到椅子边上,朝前探着身子,看来是急于证明自己不是笨蛋傻瓜。 “波特!”斯内普突然说,“如果我把水仙根粉末加入艾草浸液会得到什么?” 什么草根粉末放到什么溶液里?哈利看了罗恩一眼,罗恩跟他一样也怔住了;赫敏的手臂高高地举到空中。 “我不知道,先生。”哈利说。 斯内普轻蔑地撇了撇嘴。 “啧,啧—— 看来名气并不能代表一切。” 斯内普有意不去理会赫敏高举的手臂。 “让我们再试一次吧。波特,如果我要你去给我找一块牛黄,你会到哪里去找?”赫敏尽量在不离开座位的情况下,把手举得老高,哈利却根本不知道牛黄是什么。他尽量不去看马尔福、克拉布和高尔,他们三人笑得浑身发颤。“我不知道,先生。”“我想,你在开学前一本书也没有翻过,是吧,波特?” 哈利强迫自己直勾勾地盯着他那对冷漠的眼睛。在德思礼家时,他确实把所有的书都翻过了,但是难道斯内普能要求他把《千种神奇药草与蕈类》的内容都背下来吗?斯内普仍旧没有理会赫敏颤抖的手臂。“波特,那你说说舟形乌头和狼毒乌头有什么区别?”这时,赫敏站了起来,她的手笔直伸向地下教室的顶棚。“我不知道,”哈利小声说,“不过,我想,赫敏知道答案,您为什么不问问她呢?”有几个学生笑出声来。哈利碰到了西莫的目光,西莫朝他使了个眼色。斯内普当然很不高兴。 “坐下,”他对赫敏怒喝道,“让我来告诉你吧,波特,水仙根粉和艾草加在一起可以配制成一种效力很强的安眠药,就是一服生死水。牛黄是从牛的胃里取出来的一种石头,有极强的解毒作用。至于舟形乌头和狼毒乌头则是同一种植物,也统称乌头。明白了吗?你们为什么不把这些都记下来?” 这时突然响起一阵摸索羽毛笔和羊皮纸的沙沙声。在一片嘈杂声中斯内普说:“波特,由于你顶撞老师,格兰芬多会为此被扣掉一分。” 魔药课继续上下去,但格兰芬多的学生们的处境并没有改善。斯内普把他们分成两人一组,指导他们混合调制一种治疗疥疮的简单药水。斯内普拖着他那件很长的黑斗篷在教室里走来走去,看他们称干荨麻,粉碎蛇的毒牙,几乎所有的学生都挨过批评,只有马尔福幸免,看来马尔福是斯内普偏爱的学生。正当他让大家看马尔福蒸煮带触角的鼻涕虫的方法多么完美时,地下教室里突然冒出一股酸性的绿色浓烟,传来一阵很响的咝咝声。纳威不知怎的把西莫的火锅烧成了歪歪扭扭的一块东西,锅里的药水泼到了石板地上,把同学们的鞋都烧出了洞。几秒钟内,全班同学都站到了凳子上,锅被打翻时,纳威浑身浸透了药水,这时他胳膊和腿上到处是红肿的疥疮,痛得他哇哇乱叫。 “白痴!”斯内普咆哮起来,挥起魔杖将泼在地上的药水一扫而光。 “我想你大概是没有把锅从火上端开就把豪猪刺放进去了,是不是r纳威抽抽搭搭地哭起来,连鼻子上都突然冒出了许多疥疮。 “把他送到上面医院的病房去。”斯内普对西莫厉声说。接着他在哈利和罗恩身边转来转去,他们俩正好挨着纳威操作。“波特,你为什么不告诉他不要加进豪猪刺呢?你以为他出了错就显出你好吗?格兰芬多又因为你丢了一分。”这也太不公平了,哈利正要开口辩解,罗恩在锅后边踢了他一脚。 “别胡来,”他小声说,“听说斯内普特别不讲理。”一小时后,他们顺着阶梯爬出地下教室,哈利头脑里思绪翻滚,情绪低落。开学第一周格兰芬多就因为他被扣掉了两分,他不知道斯内普为什么这么恨他。“打起精神来,”罗恩说,“斯内普经常扣弗雷德和乔治的分。我能跟你一起去见海格吗?”Magic medicine is in the classroom to the ground in a class. Here than up in the main castle cold. Along the wall are placed in a glass jar, soaked stuffed animal makes you shiver. Snape and like Flitwick, a class picked up a roster of and as like Flitwick, to Harry's name always stop. "Oh, yes," he whispered, "Harry Porter, this is our new -- a great reputation of the character." Draco Malfoy and his friend Clubb and gore with a hand over his mouth giggled. Snape finished, looked up at the class, his eyes were black like Hagrid, but not the warmth of Hagrid's. His eyes were cold and empty, making you think of two dark tunnels. "You are here to learn the precise science and technology of the magic pill." He said, the voice of his voice was almost a little higher than that of a whisper, but everyone listened to every word he said. As Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape is as easy as blowing off dust can make the classroom orderly deterrent. "Because there is no foolish wand waving, so many of you will not believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the simmer pot braved the white smoke floated bursts of fragrance, beautiful place, you never really know the influx of people vascular liquid and makes the heart swing God Chi, will blur the miraculous magic. I can teach you how to enhance the prestige, brew glory and even prevent death -- but must have a, that is you are not I often meet such a fool fool it. " He finished a short prologue, the dumb. Harry and Ron raised an eyebrow, exchanged glances. Hermione Grainger almost to the edge of the chair, leaned forward, it is eager to prove himself not idiot fool. "Potter," said Snape suddenly. "If I put the powdered root of asphodel to add wormwood extract will get what?" what root powder into any solution? Harry looked at Ron, Ron with him as stunned the; Hermione's arms high lifted into the air. "I don't know, sir." Harry said. Snape bielebiezui disdain. "Tut, tut -- fame seems not everything." Snape intends not to ignore Hermione's arm. "Let's try it again. Potter, if I want you to find me a bezoar, you will get to where to find? "Hermione as far as possible do not leave your seat, hands lifted high, but Harry didn't know what is the bezoar. He tried not to look at Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, three of them were shaking with laughter. "I don't know, sir." "I think, you in before the start of a book is not turned, right, Potter?" Harry forced their peering more stared at him the cold eyes. At the Dursleys', he did put all the books are turned over, but don't Snape could asked him to memorize the contents of "one thousand magical herbs and mushrooms"? Snape was still ignoring Hermione trembling arm. "Potter, that you say monkshood and wolfsbane what's the difference?" at the same time, Hermione stood up, her handwriting straight toward the dungeon of the roof. "I don't know," Harry whispered, "but I thought, Hermione knows the answer, why don't you ask her?" a few students laughed. Harry met Seamus's eyes, Ximozhaota winked. Snape, of course, was not happy. "Sit down," he told Hermione thundered, "let me tell you, Potter, powdered root of asphodel and wormwood and together can be formulated as a force strong sleeping pills is a service life and death. Bezoar is a stone taken from the cow's stomach, detoxification strong. As for the monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, also referred to as aconitum. You know why you don't take it all down? "Then suddenly there was a sudden feeling of exploration of the feather pen and the rustle of the sheep's skin. In a noisy Snape said: "Potter, because you contradict the teacher, this will be deducted a gryffindor." Potions to continue, but the Gryffindors situation did not improve. Snape put them into a group of two people, a simple potion they mixed treating scabies. Snape was dragging his long black cloak in the classroom to and fro, they said dried nettles and crush snake fangs, almost all the students had endured criticism, except Malfoy, it seems that Malfoy is Snape had a preference for the students. While he let everyone see Malfoy cooking with slugs how perfect, underground in the classroom suddenly pop out of the A shares of acid green smoke, and a burst of loud hissing sound. Neville did not know how to Seamus pot burned a crooked things, pot potion spilled on to the pavement, the students shoes burned a hole. Within a few seconds, the class have stood in the stool, pan was upset when, Neville, drenched by the potion, then his arms and legs is full of red itch and pain he cawing. "Idiot!" snarled Snape, waved his wand spilled potion make a clean sweep of. "I think you probably did not bring the pot from the upper end of the fire on the porcupine quills, is not r Neville sobbing cry, even on the nose are suddenly many scabies. "Take him to the hospital ward." SnapeSound. Then he alongside Harry and Ron to turn, they were just next to Neville operation. "Potter, why didn't you tell him not to add quills? do you think he is wrong is to show hello? Gryffindor and because you lose a point." That's not fair, Harry was just about to speak, and Ron kicked him in the back of the pot. "No nonsense," he whispered, "I heard Snape particularly unreasonable." An hour later, they climbed the stairs to the basement, the mind of Harry's mind roll, depressed mood. The first week of school because he Gryffindor was deducted two points, he did not know why he hates Snape. "Fight," Ron said. "Snape often points to Fred and George. Can I go with you to see Hagrid?"
