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valhallas hall

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valhallas hall

       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“valhallas hall”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太了解,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一起来学习一下吧。

1.谁知道Across The Universe Of Time的歌词?



valhallas hall

谁知道Across The Universe Of Time的歌词?

       Hayley Westenra-Across The Universe Of Time歌词


       转载歌词请注明出处 www.6bb.com


       "Across The Universe Of Time"

       When the sea falls from the shore

       As the light sinks low, will I see you any more?

       As the rain falls from the sky

       Can I bring you back, from a distant lullaby?

       Show me your vision, the story begun

       Two lights are rising and burning as one

       In the deep blue of the night

       Shine the millions of stars and my spirit burning bright

       Spinning on, into the sun, flying higher

       Now my journey's begun... And the...

       Cold, cold wind, it blows me away

       The feeling all over is a black, black day

       But I know that I'll see you again

       And I know that you're near me

       There's a star, calling my name

       It's echo is true and the song is not the same

       Take my hand and lead me away

       Bring me back to you in your arms I'm going to stay...

       Tell me your vision, the story begun

       Two lights are rising and burning as one

       All those years drifting in space

       I have known you well, yet I've never seen your face

       You turn around, looking at me, laughter in your eyes

       And now I can see

       And the cold, cold wind, it blows me away

       The feeling all over is a black, black day

       But I know that I'll see you again

       And I know that you're near me



       Manowar – The Sons Of Odin

       Here to the blaze

       I wander

       Through this black night

       I ponder

       The edge of our mighty swords

       Did clash

       Fallen by our axes

       Helmets smashed

       Glory and fame

       Blood is our name

       Souls full of thunder

       Hearts of steel

       Killers of men

       Of warriors friend

       Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers

       To the end...

       One day too

       I may fall

       I will enter Odin's Hall

       I will die sword in hand

       My name and my deeds will

       Scorch the land

       Glory and fame!

       Blood is our name..

       Soul full of thunder!!

       Hearts of steel

       Killers of men!

       Of warriors friend

       Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers

       Sons of the gods

       today we shall die

       Open Valhalla's door

       Let the battle begin

       with swords in the wind

       Hail Gods of War


       Sons of Odin we four..!!

       By the hammer of Thor!

       Ride down from the sky....

       Another is born

       Another shall fall

       This day men will die!!!!

       Glory and fame

       Blood is our name

       Souls full of thunder

       Hearts of steel

       Killers of men

       Of warriors friend

       Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers

       Sons of the gods today we shall die

       Open Valhalla's door

       Let the battle begin with swords in the wind

       Hail Gods of War

       Sons of the gods today we shall die

       Open Valhalla's door

       Let the battle begin with swords in the wind

       Hail Gods of War

       Let the battle begin with swords in the wind



       of War!!!

       ...Onward into the heart of battle

       Fought the sons of Odin

       Outnumbered many times


       they fought on

       Blood poured fourth from their wounds

       Deep into the earth

       Vultures waited for the broken shells

       That once were bodies

       But Odin alone would choose the day

       They would enter Valhalla

       And in their hour of need

       He sent forth unto them The Berserker Rage

       Now gods and men

       They rose up from the ground

       Screaming like wild animals

       Such is the gift of absolute power

       No blade or weapon would harm them

       They killed them and horses alike

       And all who stood before them died that day

       Hail Gods Of War!!!!!


       Down from the sky

       Into the fight

       Hearts full of rage

       Full of thunder and glory

       Swords in the wind

       Crossing the sky

       Lords of doom

       Bring an end to their story

       Father on bended knee

       I ask thee

       Raise thy hand

       We the sons of Odin

       Await thy command

       Born under the sign

       Of the hammer we stand

       And here we all may die

       Our blood on the ground

       The battle horns sound

       Let thy Valkyries fly

       Down from the sky

       Into the fight

       Hearts full of rage

       Full of thunder and glory

       Swords in the wind

       Crossing the sky

       Lords of doom

       Bring an end to their story

       Today is the day

       We die in the fight

       None shall remain

       To pass one more night

       Now Valhalla's calling us


       We are gods of war


       We are gods of war

       Odin here the fallen wait

       To join thee by thy side

       Let Valhalla's gates open wide

       Born under the sign

       Of the hammer they lived

       And here they fought and died

       Their blood on the ground

       The battle horns sound

       Let thy Valkyries fly

       Down from the sky

       Into the fight

       Hearts full of rage

       Full of thunder and glory

       Swords in the wind

       Crossing the sky

       Lords of doom

       Bring an end to their story

       Today is the day

       We die in the fight

       None shall remain

       To pass one more night

       Now Valhalla's calling us


       We are gods of war


       We are gods of war

       Down from the sky

       Into the fight

       Hearts full of rage

       Full of thunder and glory

       Swords in the wind

       Crossing the sky

       Lords of doom

       Bring an end to their story

       swords in the wind风中之剑

       演唱 manowar

       I surrender my soul 我抛弃我的灵魂

       Odin hear my call 欧丁神听到了我的呼喊

       One day I'll sit beside your throne 总有一天 我会坐在您的王座旁

       In Valhalla's great hall 在那英烈祠的宏伟大殿里

       Like so many before me 就像我之前的众英雄们

       I'll die with honor and pride 我将带着光荣和自豪而死

       The right of the warrior 勇士的义务

       Forever to fight by your side 是永远战斗在你身边

       Send a sign, raise the sail 发送信号 扬起帆

       Wave a last goodbye 挥挥手 做最后的告别

       Destiny is calling 命运在召唤

       Immortality be mine 不朽将属于我

       Call the witch to cast the runes 召唤女巫去撒下符文

       Weave a magic spell 编造成一个魔法咒语

       We who die in battle are born 我们在战斗中重生

       Not for heaven, not for hell 不上天堂 也不下地狱

       We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子

       The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火

       Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物

       Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

       I will lead the charge 我将打头阵

       My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风

       Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧

       To die and live again 去赴死 去重生

       Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海

       In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里

       Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜

       Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯


       Today the blood of battle 今日 血腥的战斗

       Upon my weapons will never dry 此刻 我的武器将沾满鲜血

       Many I'll send into the ground 我将把他们埋在泥土里

       Laughing as they die 带着他们死时的微笑

       We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子

       The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火

       Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物

       Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

       I will lead the charge 我将打头阵

       My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风

       Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧

       To die and live again 去赴死 去重生

       Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海

       In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里

       Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜

       Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

       Place my body on a ship 船上放着我的尸体

       And burn it on the sea 把他在海上燃烧

       Let my spirit rise 让我的灵魂升腾

       Valkiries carry me 欧丁神的侍女瓦尔基里带着我

       Take me to Valhalla 把我送进英烈祠

       Where my brothers wait for me 在那儿 我的兄弟们正等着我

       Fires burn into the sky 烈火燃烧在天际

       My spirit will never die 我的灵魂永不逝

       I will lead the charge 我将打头阵

       My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风

       Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧

       To die and live again 去赴死 去重生

       Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海

       In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里

       Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜

       Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

       save me 拯救我

       演唱 jem

       Save me save me save me wooh 拯救我 拯救我 救救我吧

       I've gotta stop my mind 我已停止思考

       Working overtime 额外的工作

       It's driving me insane 它使我疯狂

       It will not let me live 它不会再让我活下去

       Always so negative 总是那么消极

       It's become my enemy 它正成为我的敌人

       Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我

       save me ah wooh 拯救我

       Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我

       save me ah wooh 救救我

       Why would I think such things 为何我要想这些事

       Crazy thoughts have quick wings 疯狂的想法有着灵敏的翅膀

       Gaining momentum fast 蓄势待发

       One minute I am fine 一分钟前 我很好

       The next I've lost my mind 下一刻 我迷失了自己

       To a fake fantasy 面对一个虚假的幻想

       And none of these 这些

       thoughts are real 想法没有真实的

       So why is it that I feel 那么为何我感觉

       So cut up and so bad 如此悲痛和糟糕

       I need to take control 我需要控制住

       Coz my mind is on a roll 因为我的思想势如破竹

       And it isn't listening to me 它不再听从我的

       Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我

       save me ah wooh 拯救我

       [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

       Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我

       save me ah wooh 救救我

       [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

       Mirror mirror on the wall 镜子 墙上的镜子

       Who's the dumbest of them all 谁是他们当中最笨的

       Insecurities keep growing 不安在继续

       Wasted energies are flowing 浪费的能力在流动

       Anger, pain and sadness beckon 愤怒 痛苦 和 悲伤 在招手

       Panic sets in in a second 恐慌立刻开始

       Be aware it's just your mind 要小心 他就在你的脑子里

       And you can stop it anytime 你可以在任何时间让它停止

       Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我

       save me ah wooh 拯救我

       [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

       Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我

       save me ah wooh 救救我

       [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

       Ok so here we go 那么 我们开始吧

       If it works I'll let you know 如果这有效 我们将知道

       One two three I say stop 一 二 三 我说 停下来

       好了,关于“valhallas hall”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“valhallas hall”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的工作中更好地运用所学知识。