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a little time_a little time left

佚名 2024-05-21 人已围观


a little time_a little time left

       非常欢迎大家参与这个a little time问题集合的探讨。我将以开放的心态回答每个问题,并尽量给出多样化的观点和角度,以期能够启发大家的思考。


2.a little little few 和 a lot of的区别

3.a little at a time是什么意思及用法

4.after a little time是什么意思

5.i say a little pray , just give us a little time是什么意思

6.few与a few的区别

a little time_a little time left





       1. 固定搭配ahead of time,意思是“(时间上)提前”。

       a little不能插入在这个固定短语中,由此排除D;

       2. 单独的a little time不能做句子状语,排除B;

       3. 而a little在此句中作为程度副词短语,如果其修饰的形容词/副词结构如果是单个的单词,则前置,如:I felt a little tired, because I ran a little fast.


       如:I began to like soccer a little.

       4. 此句a little修饰短语ahead of time,后者明显为较长的短语,所以置于其后,所以正确答案为A,而不是C。

a little little few 和 a lot of的区别

       a few+可数名词复数,a little+不可数名词。“a few,a little”在句式当中表肯定含义,译为“有一些,有一点”。举例:She has a few friends.她有一些朋友。There is a little milk in the glass.杯子里还有一点水。

       a few、few、a little、little

       用法区别:有a的酒足饭饱,无a的穷困潦倒(有a肯定 无a否定)

       记住:few+可数名词。如:friend朋友(可数), She has a few friends。她有几个朋友。

       She has few friends。她几乎没有朋友。

       little+不可数名词。如:time时间(不可数) ,We still have a little time。我们还有点时间。There is little time left.几乎没剩下什么时间了

a little at a time是什么意思及用法

       a little, a few 表示“一些,一点”, 少量的东西。

       例如 I have a few books. 我有一些书。I have a little time. 我有一点时间。

        little, few表示“几乎没有”,是否定词。

       I have little time. 我几乎没有时间。 I have few books. 我几乎没有书。

       a lot of = lots of 表示“很多”,修饰可数名词或者不可数名词都可以。

       I have a lot of books / time. =I have lots of books / time. 我有很多书/时间。

       a little, little 修饰不可数名词。

       I have a little water.我有一点水。I have little water.我几乎没有水。

       a few, few修饰可数名词。

       I have a few friends. 我有一些朋友。I have few friends. 我几乎没有朋友。

       much, many表示“很多”. much修饰不可数名词。 many修饰可数名词。

       I have much time. 我有很多时间。I have many books.我有很多书。

       a lot =very much表示“非常”,不修饰名词,而是表示程度。

       例如“非常感谢你。”Thank you a lot. =Thank you very much.

after a little time是什么意思

       a little at a time[英][ litl ?t ? taim] [美][e ?l?tl ?t e ta?m]




       1、Pay the rope away a little at a time.


       2、Play out the rope a little at a time.


       3、Pay the away a little at a time.


i say a little pray , just give us a little time是什么意思

       after a little time

       不久, 过一会儿;



       After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant.



       Who knows, you might even discover that you enjoy your job again, after a little time away.



       After a little time you will see me no longer; and then again, after a little time, you will see me.


few与a few的区别





       1、a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法。


       There are a few apples on the table.


       There are few apples on the table.


       2、用法和little和a little 一样

       在可数名词的前面我们用 a few 和 few,例如:

       few cars或a few countries

       在不可数名词的前面我们用a little 和 little,例如:

       little energy或 a little money

       3、Little 和 few (前面不用a),表示否定的意思,例如:

       You must be quick. There is little time. (你要快一点,我们没有多少时间。)

       He isn't popular. He has few friends.(他不是很有人缘,他没有什麼朋友。)

       4、A little 和 a few 是肯定的意思,例如:

       Let's go and have a drink. We've got a little time before the train leaves.


       I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.




       Boys think less about dress than girls do. 男孩子不像女孩子那样爱打扮。

       He has the least money of all of us. 他是我们大家中钱最少的。

       Fewer radios were sold this year than last. 今年卖掉的收音机比去年少。

       He tried to finish the work with least money and fewest people. 他设法要用最少的钱和最少的人去完成这项工作。



       好了,今天关于“a little time”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“a little time”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。